As with many other merchandise offered wholesale, wholesale handbags are offered by many wholesale manufacturers, distributors and bag warehouses. There are now multitudes of websites offering these wholesale bags. These bags come from China, India, France, Italy, Thailand, the Philippines, and many other countries.
Wholesale handbags can be classified into several types. Based on the materials used, their function or usage, and by the gender of users, handbags come in endless forms and shapes.
Materials for these wholesale bags can be anywhere from paper to straw, wicker, fabrics like silk, jute, suede, and ramie, nylon and PVC, leather and leatherette. More and more new materials are being used for handbags. These may be monotone bags, or bags made in more colors than the rainbow: apricot, crimson, burgundy, blue, and yellow. These wholesale bags come in so many shapes, which may depend on the materials used, and designed with anything from beads to gem stones.
When we consider usage of wholesale handbags, they can be classified in more ways than I will mention: fashion handbags, shopping handbags, advertising or promotional handbags, travel bags, evening, sports, luxury bags, and laptop carriers which look just like other pretty ladies’ handbags. So you can be as trendy or versatile with your handbag, sporty or sophisticated as the need may be. Whatever your purpose, you will be able to find from the wide selection of wholesale handbags.
And considering wholesale handbags by gender, they are often classified into three categories: for women, for men, and for children. Most of the wholesale handbag outlets are for women, but there are bags fashioned for men. Men also need something small enough to carry the day’s bits and pieces in, not necessarily their pockets! They need portfolio and promotional handbags, sports bags too. Of course, the styles and materials for these wholesale bags are definitely masculine— often thick leather or rough suede—and in darker, neutral shades.
Don’t forget children’s bags! Children form a big chunk of the market for handbags. They are part of wholesale handbags designed specially for kids from toddlers to teens. Often deliberately made with more youthful colors, patterns which are animated, in cartoon or floral designs, these wholesale handmade children’s bags have to catch kids’ attention. There’s Snoopy, Tweety bird, and many other child-friendly characters and designs to choose from. Like with toys, just make sure there are no small detachable parts which may be choking hazards for the younger ones.
The price of wholesale handbags can be from a few dollars for simple duffel and garment bags. Or they can be several hundreds or thousands for some top brand collections per bag. Of course you will make sure quality goes with the low prices of the wholesale handbags you purchase.
For your wholesale handbag needs, choose from any of the websites offering competitive prices, quality products, and prompt delivery. From casual garment bags to woven, or embossed leather strap bags, to designer inspired bags and evening bags, you will find wholesale handbags a delight.
Wholesale Handbags
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