Everybody wants designer handbags. Why do you think they worry about the handbags they carry? Well, for one thing, it can say a lot about the woman who is carrying it. If she is fond of Burberry handbags, this may say that she loves the classical appearance the handbag gives her. It may just mean she is as aware as other people are of the logo on the side of bag that says, "I paid a lot for this handbag."
It may also mean that she doesn't care what anybody thinks she paid for the bag. She likes it and does not care if anyone else does or not. She may have chosen the handbag for the roomy interior or the cell phone pocket. The fact that it zips at the top to close may have been a deciding factor. The trim might have decided for her. On the other hand, these features, except for the logo, can be had in many other handbags.
Why choose Burberry? Because they make a great purse and when you choose this brand, it does indeed make a statement about you. Discerning and value conscious, the handbag you choose is one that you will choose for not only the great look but the roominess and because it carries what you need to carry with you.
Another great designer handbag that many women choose is Dooney & Bourke. Okay, why this brand? Because, these handbags also make a statement. The name is well known and the price is not cheap. A leather Dooney & Bourke handbag is all leather, not simulated. The roomy interior has plenty of room to carry all the 'stuff' that women like to have with them.
Inside pockets and a place for your cell phone are definitely big sellers for this brand. Due to the great look these purses can add to any clothing combination that is chosen, they are more popular than anyone knows. Everyone who has ever heard anything about handbags knows this brand is definitely worth investigating.
If you had the choice between a Burberry designer handbag and another type of off-brand purse, which one are you going to choose? The Burberry, naturally. That is why you see advertisements in your email box, saying go here and do this and this and your prize will be a Burberry purse. But make sure you read the small print, because many of these offers are contingent on you finishing certain criteria before you will get a chance to have the purse sent to you.
Everybody has heard of Prada. These handbags are awesome. If you had the chance, wouldn't you rather have a Prada handbag? The great thing most women have reported about carrying one of these handbags is they are very lightweight. That is extremely important because by the time these handbags are filled with so many essentials, they are going to be heavy enough.
If you are looking for a handbag that is stylish, lightweight, and the envy of all your friends, a Prada designer handbag may be just the type of purse that you are looking for.
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